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Government Code and Cypher School: Signals Intelligence Passed to the Prime Minister, Messages and Correspondence

8 Aug 1943

A file of signals intelligence reports, messages, and correspondence issued by the Government Code and Cypher School and sent by the head ('C') of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) to the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. This file includes the following reports: a BONIFACE report from Brigadier Hollis to the Prime Minister (PM); a daily SUNSET intelligence report; on Southern Europe: a situation report on Sicily covering operations for August 5; and that Allied air-raids on August 6 destroyed Italian E-boat shore installations in Messina; from the German secret service: on strong Italian troop movements in south Tyrol since August 6; and on the withdrawal of Italian troops from the Balkans including Greece, on August 6.
malta greece italy naval bases yugoslavia sardinia sicily second world war casualties military intelligence axis powers effects of bombing hermann göring abwehr government code and cypher school military strength italian navy air raids military situation reports german withdrawal allied powers italian government italian withdrawal invasion of sicily operation husky
Collection ID
Second World War
Greece Italy Malta Sardinia Sicily Yugoslavia
Document Reference
HW1 /1930/2
Document Types
Intelligence Report
File Reference
HW1 /1930
Military Situation Reports Invasion Of Sicily Operation Husky Axis Powers Casualties Allied Powers Military Strength German Withdrawal Air Raids Effects Of Bombing Naval Bases Italian Navy Italian Government Italian Withdrawal
Abwehr Government Code and Cypher School
Persons Discussed
Hermann Göring
Published in
United Kingdom
Military Intelligence

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