Premium 20.500.12592/tfrg28

Northern (N): Yugoslavia (NU). Political Relations: Commonwealth Countries


A file of correspondence concerning Yugoslav relations with British Commonwealth countries in Africa. The correspondence covers a visit to Yugoslavia by delegations from the Kenyan National Union (K.A.N.U.) and the Basutoland Congress Party; and the British reaction to Yugoslav press reports on British policy in Kenya. The articles claimed that Britain has used "terrorist police methods" and "diplomatic and political manoeuvres" to postpone Kenya's independence. British officials, in talks with their Yugoslav counterparts, argued that such articles do nothing to improve Anglo-Yugoslav relations, or to further Yugoslav efforts to improve trade and encourage the participation of British industry in the country's economic development.
trade kenya united kingdom imperialism international relations official visits yugoslavia basutoland anglo-yugoslav relations Yugoslav press Borba colonial independence Kenyan-Yugoslav relations Basotho-Yugoslav relations British Commonwealth
Collection ID
Lesotho Kenya United Kingdom
Department Reference
File 1061
Document Type
Correspondence Press and Media Reports
File Reference
FO 371/172005
The following items have been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions:Borba, 12 December 1963, Independent of Kenya proclaimed;Borba, 12 December 1963, Lazar Koliševski ends congratuations to Jumo Kenyatta;Borba, 12 December 1963, President Tito's Message of Congratulations to Jomo Kenyatta;Borba, 14 October 1963, Basutoland does not want to wait;Komunist, 12 December 1963, Independent Kenya;Politika, 11 December 1963, The world today: Jomo Kenyatta is triumphant;Review of International Affairs, 5 December 1963, Kenya's Supreme Hour;Tanjug, 11 December 1963, Message sent by President Tito and Mr Lazar Koliševski to Mr Jomo Kenyatta on the eve of Kenyan Independence.
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
International Relations

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