A file of correspondence, reports, and press material concerning negotiations between East and West over the future of West Berlin. The documents discuss the West German government's view that "the best card the West had in negotiations with the Russians was economic pressure"; and the East German government's claim that the Berlin Wall served as an "anti-fascist defensive rampart" that prevented the "West German militarists and imperialists" from "hindering the development of socialism in the G.D.R.". The documents also cover the French belief that Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet leader, is preparing for the signature of a peace treaty between the Soviet Union and East Germany by persuading the non-aligned member states of the United Nations that the continuation of the occupation regime in Berlin is a "dangerous anomaly". Other documents comment on a rumour that Khrushchev is under pressure due to the lack of developments in Berlin.
- Collection ID
- FO371
- Copyright
- We believe Aussenpolitische Korrespondenz to be free from copyright restrictions, but we invite anyone with information about this item and the copyright holder to contact us. We believe Aussenpolitische Korrespondenz to be free from copyright restrictions, but we invite anyone with information about this item and the copyright holder to contact us.
- Countries
- Belgium East Germany France Soviet Union United Kingdom United States of America West Germany
- Department Reference
- File 1071 (pp 261 to 285)
- Document Type
- Correspondence Meeting Minutes Press and Media Reports
- File Reference
- FO 371/163577
- Identifier
- 10.1080/cwee.fo371.163577
- Note
- Documents or parts of documents in this file were retained under Section 3(4) of the Public Records Act 1958.
- Pages
- 148
- Persons Discussed
- Anastas Mikoyan Anatolii Dobrynin Christopher Steel Dean Rusk Frank Roberts Hans Kroll Harold Wilson Konrad Adenauer Maurice Couve de Murville Nikita Khrushchev Vasilii Kuznetsov Willi Stoph
- Published in
- United Kingdom
- Subject Countries
- Berlin Germany (East and West)
- Themes
- Border Security and Migration Domestic Politics International Relations