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Northern (N): Czechoslovakia (NC). Local People's Courts


A file of correspondence, reports, and press material concerning justice in Czechoslovakia. The documents contain a report produced by Sir Paul Grey, the British ambassador to Czechoslovakia, on the use of "comradely courts" in Czechoslovakia. The report covers how these courts are described as "a feature of socialist democracy" in the Czechoslovak press; and the intention of the courts to "encourage communal jurisdiction" in cases of both "minor indictable offences" and "industrial discipline and general social behaviour". The report also discusses how these courts have been given limited publicity "to test popular reaction to them before the publication of any statues providing formally for their establishment as part of the legal system". Other documents include a series of articles in the Czechoslovak press on the use of "comradely courts" in Czechoslovakia; and a note produced by the British embassy in Prague on the enshrinement of "comradely courts" in Czechoslovak law.
czechoslovakia law trials judiciary Czechoslovak press Czechoslovak government Populations and Social Policy Paul Grey
Collection ID
Department Reference
Code NC file 1641
Document Type
Correspondence Reports Press and Media
File Reference
FO 371/151408
Persons Discussed
Paul Grey
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Populations and Social Policy

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