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Western (W): Germany (WG). Internal Political Situation in Berlin


A file containing documents relating to the Berlin crisis. Documents in the file include a record of an interview given by Konrad Adenauer, the West German chancellor, to the B.B.C. discussing West German-Soviet relations; and a report from the British representative to the United Nations about growing interest in U.N. involvement in the Berlin and German questions. Subjects discussed in the file include the reference of the issues to the International Court of Justice; a decision by Willy Brandt, the mayor of West Berlin, to refuse a meeting with Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet premier; a press conference in which Dwight D. Eisenhower, the American president, had said that he would consider using war and nuclear weapons to maintain Western access to Berlin; and the denial of an Italian press story of an Anglo-Soviet agreement for the Western withdrawal from Berlin, which would become a free city under East German sovereignty.
united kingdom united states of america canada united nations strategy north atlantic treaty organization (nato) disarmament east-west relations international relations interviews italy law norway nuclear weapons soviet union berlin international court of justice second world war contingency planning east germany dwight d. eisenhower west germany lester b. pearson american foreign policy winston churchill soviet foreign policy international conferences british foreign policy parliamentary questions Soviet politics Charles de Gaulle West German foreign policy Soviet-West German relations Willy Brandt East German-West German relations Anglo-West German relations press conferences threat of war B.B.C. Frank Roberts Cecil Parrott Italian press West Berlin British parliament Second World War Aftermath reunification of Germany West German politics West German press Soviet government Nikita Khrushchev threat of nuclear war Anglo-Canadian relations multilateral talks Harold Macmillan Selwyn Lloyd Gladwyn Jebb Harold Caccia Nikolai Bulganin Berlin Crisis Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. Christopher Steel Frederick Hoyer Millar Konrad Adenauer Pierson Dixon Heinrich von Brentano di Tremezzo Ashley Clarke Paul-Henri Spaak Randolph Burgess Christian A. Herter
Collection ID
Canada East Germany Italy Norway Soviet Union United Kingdom United States of America West Germany
Department Reference
Code WG file 1015 (papers 164 to 176)
Document Type
Correspondence Reports Memoranda
File Reference
FO 371/145696
Key Events
Berlin Crisis
Persons Discussed
Ashley Clarke Cecil Parrott Charles de Gaulle Christian A. Herter Christopher Steel Dwight D. Eisenhower Frank Roberts Frederick Hoyer Millar Gladwyn Jebb Harold Caccia Harold Macmillan Heinrich von Brentano di Tremezzo Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. Konrad Adenauer Lester B. Pearson Nikita Khrushchev Nikolai Bulganin Paul-Henri Spaak Pierson Dixon Randolph Burgess Selwyn Lloyd Willy Brandt Winston Churchill
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
International Relations Second World War Aftermath

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