
Northern (N): General (N). Visit by Permanent under Secretary at Foreign Office to Countries in Eastern Europe


A file of correspondence and reports concerning a tour of the Eastern bloc by Robert Allan, a British Conservative Party Member of Parliament who served as the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs. The documents discuss the organisation of Allan's tour, during which he first visited Helsinki and Copenhagen before crossing the "Iron Curtain" and visiting Prague, Sofia, and Bucharest; and the view of the Foreign Office regarding the quality of intelligence Allan will be able to obtain in each country. The documents also cover the state of economic relations between Britain and Czechoslovakia; a note by the British legation in Sofia on Allan's visit to Bulgaria; and the internal political situation in each of the countries Allan will be visiting. Other documents include a series of reports presented to Allan before his tour, containing annual summaries of developments in each of Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Denmark, and Finland during 1958.
agriculture trade united kingdom education bulgaria finland communist parties cultural relations culture czechoslovakia denmark international relations land reform politicians religion romania official visits prague universities domestic politics economics and trade diplomatic missions intelligence gathering british government Anglo-Bulgarian relations Anglo-Finnish relations Bulgarian Communist Party international communism Communist Party of Czechoslovakia anglo-czechoslovak relations anglo-romanian relations british foreign policy soviet satellite states Sofia diplomatic officials British nationals abroad Bulgarian politics Czechoslovak politics Romanian politics British press Romanian Workers' Party Romanian government Patrick Reilly Czechoslovak government embassy staff Bulgarian government collectivisation Finnish politics Bucharest Anglo-Danish relations Harold Macmillan Danish politics John Nicholls Paul Grey Alan Dudley Philip de Zulueta
Collection ID
Denmark Finland United Kingdom
Department Reference
Code N file 1892 (papers 19 to end)
Document Type
Correspondence Reports
File Reference
FO 371/142683
Persons Discussed
Alan Dudley Harold Macmillan John Nicholls Patrick Reilly Paul Grey Philip de Zulueta
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Czechoslovakia Romania Bulgaria
International Relations Domestic Politics Economics and Trade

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