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Northern (N): Bulgaria (NG). Claims against Government of Bulgaria Resulting from Shooting down of El Al Civil Airliner in July 1955


A file containing documents relating to the legal case in the International Court of Justice (I.C.J.) about the crash of El Al flight 402. Subjects discussed in the file include Canada's approach to taking their case to the I.C.J.; claims for cargo lost on board the flight; British and American applications to extend the I.C.J. deadline to submit documents to the court; and the deteriorating relations between the American and Israeli government lawyers engaged on the case. Documents in the file also include American requests for further information about aspects of the case; speculation about which pilot was flying the plane; and British officials' discussions of how to get quicker information about the American case in reciprocity for the sharing of their own information.
united kingdom insurance bulgaria canada air traffic control civil aviation aircraft compensation international relations israel law weather air safety international court of justice airmen American-Israeli relations financial claims against foreign countries Anglo-American relations aircraft crashes Anglo-Israeli relations Harold Caccia Shooting down of El Al Flight 402 over Bulgaria
Collection ID
Canada Israel United Kingdom
Department Reference
Code NG file 1381 (pp 76 to 91)
Document Type
Correspondence Legal and Treaty Material Memoranda
File Reference
FO 371/134831
Key Events
Shooting down of El Al Flight 402 over Bulgaria
Persons Discussed
Harold Caccia
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
International Relations

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