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Southern (R): Albania (RA). Albanian Gold: Position of Negotiations between UK and Italy Regarding Corfu Channel Case


A file containing documents concerning Italian and British claims to Albanian gold seized by the Nazis during the Second World War. The file includes a report on a meeting between the Italian foreign minister and the British Secretary of State to discuss the possibility of splitting the Albanian gold between the United Kingdom and Italy; a report that the Italian government has formally rejected the British compromise proposal for the distribution of the Albanian gold; and a request from the Treasury Chambers for updates on the negotiations with the Italians. The file also includes a discussion of whether the Italian government would agree to accept the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice if the case is brought to the courts; and a report about a recently signed Italian-Albanian reparations agreement.
united kingdom albania banking gold international relations italy reparations international court of justice economics and trade international organisations Second World War Aftermath Anglo-Albanian relations Albanian-Italian relations court cases Anglo-Italian relations William Hayter looting
Collection ID
Italy United Kingdom
Department Reference
Code RA file 1491
Document Type
Correspondence Reports
File Reference
FO 371/130008
Persons Discussed
William Hayter
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Second World War Aftermath International Relations Economics and Trade

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