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Northern (N): Poland (NP). Youth in Poland


A file of reports, correspondence, and press extracts on young people in Poland. The file contains a report from the British ambassador to Poland on the contribution of Polish youth to the events of October 1956; on their partial disillusionment with some illiberal measures taken since the uprising; and on the students' overall confidence in the new leader, Władysław Gomułka. The file also discusses the formation of the new Union of Socialist Youth (Z.M.S.) movement; its low membership compared to its predecessor; the overwhelming lack of interest in ideology among Polish youth; and the consequently contradictory nature of its two aims, which were to represent young Poles and to prepare new party members. The file also contains a note of the government takeover of the Polish Scouting Organisation; and an article describing the emptiness of life in the Polish mining town of Walbrzych.
youth mining housing crime hungary poland communism culture students soviet union wages working conditions youth movements sport political ideology speeches living standards Polish United Workers' Party Polish press dissent Polish-Soviet relations Władysław Gomułka Youth and Education Eric Berthoud
Collection ID
Hungary Soviet Union
Department Reference
Code NP file 2041
Document Type
Reports Press and Media Correspondence
File Reference
FO 371/128889
Persons Discussed
Eric Berthoud Władysław Gomułka
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Youth and Education

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