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Northern (N): Soviet Union (NS). Education in Soviet Union


A file of correspondence, reports, and press material concerning education in the Soviet Union. The documents contain a report produced by Sir William Hayter, the British ambassador to the Soviet Union, summarising a number of reforms to Soviet education introduced at the twentieth congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union; and a copy of a textbook used to teach English in Soviet schools, including passages for children to read demonstrating how "in the capitalist countries the worker has no rights" and that "we live at a time when all roads lead to communism". The documents also discuss the view of the Soviet press that it is becoming increasingly important to teach foreign languages in Soviet schools; and the cancellation of tuition fees for students in "specialist secondary schools and higher educational establishments". Other documents include an article in the Statesman and Nation comparing British and Soviet education.
education capitalism communism culture languages propaganda schools students soviet union political ideology universities protests government ministries Soviet press Pravda British press Youth and Education Soviet government Nikita Khrushchev indoctrination Nikolai Bulganin William Hayter Harry Hohler Paul Grey Statesman and Nation
Collection ID
Article(s) from New Statesman and Nation © New Statesman. Article(s) from New Statesman and Nation © New Statesman.
Department Reference
Code NS file 1743
Document Type
Correspondence Reports Press and Media
File Reference
FO 371/122972
Documents in this file were retained under Section 3(4) of the Public Records Act 1958.
Persons Discussed
Harry Hohler Nikita Khrushchev Nikolai Bulganin Paul Grey William Hayter
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
Youth and Education

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