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Nothern (N): Poland (NP). Freedom of Expression and Criticism of Government in Poland: Poznan Riots and Developments Arising Therefrom


A file containing documents relating to the Polish October uprising. Documents in the file include a report that the Polish paper Trybuna Ludu had criticised a Pravda article but had reiterated the importance of the countries' alliance; and an American government statement on reports of unrest in Poland and Soviet troop movements. Other documents in the file include despatches from the British ambassador in Warsaw which assess the developments in Poland; posit that a Hungarian-style uprising had only narrowly been avoided; analyse the new Polish electoral law; describe the discussion of the events in the Polish Sejm; and report Polish reactions to the Hungarian Revolution. Subjects discussed in the file include a press interview where Gomułka talked frankly about the events; a visit by Polish leaders to Moscow; a call for the Polish state security apparatus' abolition; and the merits of the British government publicising its policy towards Poland.
china agriculture united kingdom elections honduras france dominican republic nicaragua hungary poland jordan united states of america alliances baltic sea cooperatives industry international relations interviews law news agencies propaganda official visits telecommunications trade unions yugoslavia speeches living standards warsaw pact dwight d. eisenhower arrests the times west germany Polish United Workers' Party anglo-polish relations british foreign policy Yugoslav press Soviet press Polish press parliamentary questions military movements American-Polish relations Polish-Soviet relations Pravda Borba Polish-West German relations Władysław Gomułka party congresses Thomas Brimelow Dissent, Resistance, and Human Rights Soviet troops abroad military dispositions Soviet army American press Józef Cyrankiewicz Hungarian Uprising Hungarian-Polish relations Polish government Stefan Władysław East German-Polish relations Polish-Yugoslav relations Nikita Khrushchev Eric Berthoud Szczecin Polish October Sovietology revolts German-Polish relations Ivone Kirkpatrick William Hayter Konrad Adenauer Georgii Zhukov Ivan Konev Konstantin Rokossovskii Dmitrii Shepilov James Hagerty
Collection ID
Article(s) from Daily Worker © Morning Star. Article(s) from Daily Worker © Morning Star.
China Dominican Republic France Honduras Hungary Jordan Nicaragua United Kingdom United States of America West Germany Yugoslavia
Department Reference
Code NP file 10110 (pp 185 to 217)
Document Type
Reports Correspondence Memoranda
File Reference
FO 371/122600
Key Events
Polish October Hungarian Uprising
Persons Discussed
Dmitrii Shepilov Dwight D. Eisenhower Eric Berthoud Georgii Zhukov Ivan Konev Ivone Kirkpatrick James Hagerty Józef Cyrankiewicz Konrad Adenauer Konstantin Rokossovskii Nikita Khrushchev Stefan Władysław Thomas Brimelow William Hayter Władysław Gomułka
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
International Relations Dissent, Resistance, and Human Rights

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