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Western (W): Germany (WG). French Proposals for an Approach to Soviet Union about Four-Power Talks on Germany: German Reunification

6 Mar 1955

A file containing documents relating to the French Parliament's ratification of the 1954 Paris Accords. Subjects discussed in the file include correspondence between Pierre Mendès-France, the French prime minister, Sir Winston Churchill, the British prime minister, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, the American president. The private correspondence had been mentioned in the French Parliament, and the file includes correspondence between British diplomats, ministers, and the Foreign Office about the implications of publishing the text for the outcome of the ratification debate. Other documents in the file include an article published by the West German government entitled "Negotiations with the Soviets?"; an article in Le Figaro about potential talks discussed in the correspondence to be held after ratification; discussion between British and French diplomats about the subjects that future talks with the Soviets might discuss; and French press coverage of the correspondence.
united kingdom france united states of america united nations north atlantic treaty organization (nato) international relations news agencies telecommunications soviet union vietnam western european union rearmament dwight d. eisenhower west germany le monde winston churchill parliamentary questions French press French politics Anglo-French relations West German press Anglo-American relations French-West German relations multilateral talks Gladwyn Jebb Le Figaro American-French relations Ivone Kirkpatrick Frederick Hoyer Millar Germany (East and West) Heinrich von Brentano di Tremezzo Pierre Mendès France Antoine Pinay
Collection ID
The rights holder for article(s) from Franc-Tireur could not be identified. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this item to contact us.; The rights holder for article(s) from The Bulletin could not be identified. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this item to contact us. The rights holder for article(s) from Franc-Tireur could not be identified. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this item to contact us. The rights holder for article(s) from The Bulletin could not be identified. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this item to contact us.
France Soviet Union United Kingdom United States of America Vietnam West Germany
Department Reference
Code WG files 1071/248-1071/277
Document Type
Correspondence Memoranda Press and Media
File Reference
FO 371/118203
The following articles have been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Le Monde, 12 March 1955, Ce que contriendrait la lettre de Sir Winston Chruchill a M. Mendes-France; Le Monde, 12 March 1955, Le Message d'Ike et la lettre de Sir Winston.
Persons Discussed
Antoine Pinay Dwight D. Eisenhower Frederick Hoyer Millar Gladwyn Jebb Heinrich von Brentano di Tremezzo Ivone Kirkpatrick Pierre Mendès France Winston Churchill
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Germany (East and West)
International Relations

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