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Northern (N): Soviet Union (NS). Higher, scientific and technical education in Soviet Union


A file of correspondence, reports, and press extracts on education in the Soviet Union. The file discusses the rapid increase in the number of graduates from Soviet universities in recent years, and concerns in the West that the Soviet Union would soon have more scientists and engineers than the United States. A speech by the director of the C.I.A., Allen Dulles, noted that better education may lead Soviet citizens to question communist doctrine and undermine the government. The file also reports on the lack of canteen facilities at some Soviet universities; on the difficulty of supplying an adequate education to young people working in the remote "Virgin Lands" regions; on consultations between the British and American governments about Soviet education; and on conditions in Soviet schools, which had impressive facilities but seemed to educate younger students by rote without concessions to individuality.
agriculture youth united kingdom education united states of america art communism engineering literature music propaganda schools science scientists statistics students soviet union wages youth movements universities speeches living standards american government food supplies communist party of the soviet union military expenditure central intelligence agency (cia) diplomatic officials Soviet armed forces American intelligence agencies American press Anglo-American relations Youth and Education Washington Post Virgin Lands Campaign British intelligence agencies indoctrination Joint Intelligence Bureau Allen W. Dulles
Collection ID
Article(s) from Washington Post © The Washington Post. Article(s) from Washington Post © The Washington Post.
United Kingdom United States of America
Department Reference
Code NS file 1742 (pp to 11)
Document Type
Correspondence Reports Press and Media
File Reference
FO 371/116807
Documents in this file were retained under Section 3(4) of the Public Records Act 1958. The following article has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Aviation Age, February 1955, Russia Threatens U.S. Engineering Leadership!.
Persons Discussed
Allen W. Dulles
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
Youth and Education

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