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Western and Southern (W): Albania (WA). UK Government's Claim to Albanian Monetary Gold, Looted from Rome by Germans in 1943, in Partial Satisfaction of Damages Awarded by International Court of Justice in the 1949 Corfu Channel Case: Negotiations with Italy


A file containing documents concerning Italian and Allied claims to Albanian gold seized by the Nazis during the Second World War. The file includes a copy of the judgment of the International Court of Justice (I.C.J.) on the Albanian gold case, in which the I.C.J. declares itself incompetent to rule on the case; comments from the Foreign Office on the I.C.J. judgement; and comments on the implications of the I.C.J. judgement for Italian claims. The file also includes a draft of a note to the American and French governments concerning the I.C.J ruling; a discussion of the likely reaction of the Italian press and public to the ruling; and a report that the Albanian government has demanded that the gold be returned to Albania. Other documents include records of Parliamentary Questions concerning compensation for the death of British sailors killed in the Corfu Channel in Albania.
united kingdom france albania international law united states of america compensation gold international relations italy law public opinion reparations international court of justice economics and trade international organisations west germany parliamentary questions diplomatic disputes financial claims against foreign countries Italian press Second World War Aftermath Albanian press Albanian-French relations Albanian-American relations Anglo-Albanian relations Albanian-Italian relations mariners court cases Anglo-Italian relations Ivone Kirkpatrick Anthony Nutting looting
Collection ID
France Italy United Kingdom United States of America West Germany
Department Reference
Code WA file 1271 (pp 47-60)
Document Type
Legal and Treaty Material Correspondence Parliamentary and Official Government Material
File Reference
FO 371/112671
The following article has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Case of the Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943: Judgement of June 15th, 1954, Date unknown, Entire booklet.
Persons Discussed
Anthony Nutting Ivone Kirkpatrick
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Second World War Aftermath International Relations Economics and Trade

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