
Political Intelligence Summaries from Germany


A file of reports concerning the British view of developments within Germany. The documents contain a series of British intelligence summaries of activities within Germany during 1954, produced monthly between January and March, and bi-monthly thereafter. The summaries discuss general trends within the two Germanies; the activities of various Eastern-bloc intelligence services and their role in undermining the security of West Germany; an in-depth study of the role of communist organisations in both the control of East Germany and the infiltration of West Germany; and the developments within "Extreme Right-Wing" political organisations" based in either of the two states. The documents also comment on disruptions in the process of inter-zonal movement between East and West; the strength and positions of Eastern-bloc military forces in East Germany; and the defections of police from East Germany to West Germany.
trade borders communism cultural relations czechoslovakia deserters espionage exports imports international relations peaceful coexistence politicians travel restrictions soviet union domestic politics east germany west germany intelligence gathering military movements East German-West German relations Soviet troops abroad border controls military dispositions Secret Intelligence and Espionage West German politics British intelligence agencies East German government Walter Ulbricht East German politics Germany (East and West) Vyacheslav Molotov
Collection ID
Czechoslovakia East Germany Soviet Union West Germany
Department Reference
Code C file 1691
Document Type
Reports Parliamentary and Official Government Material
File Reference
FO 371/109339
Persons Discussed
Vyacheslav Molotov Walter Ulbricht
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Germany (East and West)
International Relations Domestic Politics Secret Intelligence and Espionage

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