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Northern (N): Romania (NR). Celebrations in Roumania Commemorating Twenty-Ninth Anniversary of Lenin's Death, the Strikes of 1933, May Day, Roumanian National Day, Air Force Day, Soviet October Revolution


A file of reports on various celebrations, commemorations and other public events in Romania. Topics covered in the file include the attendance of senior Romanian figures at each event; the precedence given to pictures of communist leaders in the parades, which occurred in the months following the death of Stalin; slogans distributed in the Romanian press ahead of the celebrations; public speeches and articles accompanying the events; technology and military hardware displayed in the parades; and the Romanian public's enthusiasm, or lack thereof, towards the events.
poland economic planning imperialism industry propaganda public opinion railways romania students slogans trials soviet union yugoslavia oil military equipment military domestic politics speeches living standards public events parades Romanian press Romanian government B.B.C. Media and Culture five-year plans Romanian air force Bucharest Polish-Yugoslav relations Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej
Collection ID
Poland Soviet Union Yugoslavia
Department Reference
Code NR file 1961
Document Type
Reports Press and Media
File Reference
FO 371/106500
Persons Discussed
Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Domestic Politics Media and Culture Military

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