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German Democratic Republic (GDR): Relations between the German Democratic Republic and Federal Republic of Germany: General

1 Jan 1982

A file of correspondence and reports concerning inner-German relations. The documents cover negotiations to address the issue of water pollution in Berlin; plans for a purification plant; payments received by East Germany from West Germany for the improvement of transport routes; and amendments to travel regulations for East German citizens wishing to visit the West. Other documents in the file cover discussions with East German and West German officials on the current state of inner-German relations; negotiations for a planned bilateral economic agreement; and bilateral contact on arms control and disarmament. The file also covers amendments to duty-free restrictions on those bringing gifts to East Germany; indications that the East German authorities may rescind the 1980 increases to currency charges for those entering the country; East German claims for the cost of communication cables linking West Berlin and West Germany; and French attitudes towards the reunification of Germany.
environment france pollution arms control architecture borders communications currency disarmament waterways international relations transportation railways roads official visits telecommunications travel restrictions berlin customs duties east germany west germany water supplies economic policies french foreign policy East German-West German relations West Berlin Industry and Agriculture Border Security and Migration border controls reunification of Germany West German politics East Berlin Erich Honecker East German politics Hans-Dietrich Genscher Oskar Fischer Dietrich Spangenberg Günter Mittag Otto Graf Lambsdorff
Collection ID
The rights holder for "Bulletin 30 April 1980, nr. 46/S. 392, 30.04.1980" could not be identified. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this item to contact us. The rights holder for "Bulletin 30 April 1980, nr. 46/S. 392, 30.04.1980" could not be identified. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this item to contact us.
France West Germany
Department Reference
Document Type
Correspondence Reports
File Reference
FCO 33/5512
The following item has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 02.1982, DDR verstärkt Verdachtskontrollen.
Persons Discussed
Dietrich Spangenberg Erich Honecker Günter Mittag Hans-Dietrich Genscher Oskar Fischer Otto Graf Lambsdorff
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
East Germany
Border Security and Migration Industry and Agriculture International Relations

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