Premium 20.500.12592/zhf933

Berlin: Visits by UK Ministers, Officials and VIPs to and from Berlin

1 Jan 1981

A file containing documents concerning official visits to and from Berlin. Subjects covered in the file include a visit to West Berlin by a group of members of the European Parliament; a visit to West Berlin and East Berlin by a senior Foreign Office official, Ewen Fergusson; and a speech given by the British ambassador in Bonn, John Taylor, in West Berlin as a guest of the governing mayor, Hans-Jochen Vogel. Other subjects discussed in the file include a visit to London by a large group of Berlin Senate officials; a visit to Berlin by the House of Lords all-party Defence Study Group; a visit to East Berlin by a delegation from the British Department of Health and Social Security; and a possible visit to Berlin by the Lord Mayor of London, Christopher Leaver. Documents in the file include a memorandum on the complications of travel to, from, and within Berlin.
united kingdom united states of america aircraft international relations transportation railways official visits travel restrictions visas european parliament berlin speeches international organisations british foreign policy Anglo-West German relations West Berlin British parliament Border Security and Migration border controls Tufton Beamish West German press American-West German relations East Berlin Quadripartite Agreement Ewen Fergusson Berlin air corridors John Taylor Berlin Senate Berlin border crossings Richard von Weizsäcker Peter Foster Hans-Jochen Vogel
Collection ID
© A&C Black Publishers, used by permission of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc; Content from Berliner Zeitung © Berliner Zeitung.; Content from Der Tagesspiegel © Der Tagesspiegel.; Content from Deutsche Presse-Agentur © Der Tagesspiegel.; Every effort was made to contact the rights holder for content from Spandauer Volksblatt. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this items to contact us.; Every effort was made to contact the rights holder for content from Volksblatt Berlin. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this items to contact us. © A&C Black Publishers, used by permission of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Content from Berliner Zeitung © Berliner Zeitung. Content from Der Tagesspiegel © Der Tagesspiegel. Content from Deutsche Presse-Agentur © Der Tagesspiegel. Every effort was made to contact the rights holder for content from Spandauer Volksblatt. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this items to contact us. Every effort was made to contact the rights holder for content from Volksblatt Berlin. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this items to contact us.
United Kingdom United States of America
Department Reference
WRL 26/2
Document Type
Correspondence Memoranda Press and Media Speeches and Public Statements
File Reference
FCO 33/5006
The following items have been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Berliner Morgenpost, 24.03.1981, Antrittsbesuch Berliner Morgenpost, 26.03.1981, Berlin-visite Berliner Morgenpost, 27.03.1981, Sir Jock ist Berlin wichtig.
Persons Discussed
Ewen Fergusson Hans-Jochen Vogel John Taylor Peter Foster Richard von Weizsäcker Tufton Beamish
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Border Security and Migration International Relations

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