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Berlin: Foreign Visitors to Berlin, Including Alexander Haig, United States Secretary of State, September 1981

1 Jan 1981

A file containing documents concerning foreign visitors to West Berlin. The principal subject covered in the file is a visit by the American Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, in September 1981. Aspects of this subject discussed include a leak of information to the media in advance of the visit; the marring of the visit by protests against American military policy, which were followed by violence; and a Soviet protest at the fact that Haig was accompanied by the West German foreign minister, Hans-Dietrich Genscher. Documents in the file include the text of a speech given by Haig during his visit, entitled "A certain idea of man: the democratic revolution and its future". Other subjects discussed in the file include visits to West Berlin by the prime minister of New Zealand, Robert Muldoon, by the president of the European Commission, Gaston Thorn, and by the Australian foreign minister, Tony Street.
united states of america australia chemical weapons international relations new zealand political parties riots official visits soviet union berlin speeches international organisations west germany american foreign policy united states armed forces protests european economic community (eec) American-Soviet relations dissent Dissent, Resistance, and Human Rights West Berlin West German politics West German press American-West German relations Christian Democratic Union of Germany (C.D.U.) leakage of information Hans-Dietrich Genscher Quadripartite Agreement Robert Muldoon Alexander Haig John Taylor Australian-West German relations New Zealand-West German relations
Collection ID
Content from Der Tagesspiegel © Der Tagesspiegel.; Content from The Daily Telegraph © Telegraph Media Group. Content from Der Tagesspiegel © Der Tagesspiegel. Content from The Daily Telegraph © Telegraph Media Group.
Australia New Zealand Soviet Union United States of America West Germany
Department Reference
WRL 26/1
Document Type
Correspondence Meeting Minutes Press and Media Speeches and Public Statements
File Reference
FCO 33/5005
The following item has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: The Times, 16.09.1981, The ugly anti-Americans.
Persons Discussed
Alexander Haig Hans-Dietrich Genscher John Taylor Robert Muldoon
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Dissent, Resistance, and Human Rights International Relations

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