

Berlin: Berlin: Problems Arising from Federal Republic of Germany Membership of United Nations Security Council

1 Jan 1979

A file containing documents relating to the revision of the United Nations charter. Subjects covered in the file include a proposal to delete the "enemy states" clauses from the charter; the British view that the clauses should be retained to prevent a challenge to Allied rights in Berlin and Germany; the differing positions of the British, French, American, and Soviet delegations on the subject; and a move from the revision of the charter to less controversial topics. Documents in the file include a report on a session of the United Nations Committee on the Charter by the British Foreign Secretary, David Owen.
united kingdom france united states of america united nations international relations soviet union berlin second world war international organisations united nations security council west germany american foreign policy soviet foreign policy french foreign policy british foreign policy West German foreign policy West Berlin Second World War Aftermath David Owen Evan Luard Allied Kommandatura
Collection ID
France Soviet Union United Kingdom United States of America West Germany
Department Reference
WRL 22/522/1
Document Type
Correspondence Reports
File Reference
FCO 33/4104
Persons Discussed
David Owen Evan Luard
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
International Relations Second World War Aftermath

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