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Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe (CSCE): Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe (CSCE): Attitude of the Soviet Union

1 Jan 1982

human rights nationalism mediterranean sea freedom of movement terrorism arms control censorship chemical weapons communications cultural relations disarmament dissidents east-west relations educational exchanges jews journalists languages shipping nuclear weapons political prisoners public opinion publications religion religious persecution sanctions trade unions translation travel restrictions trials self-determination speeches religious leaders missiles voice of america non-aligned movement weapons development warsaw pact arrests consulates diplomatic missions helsinki final act american foreign policy church of england soviet foreign policy strategic arms limitation talks (salt) radio broadcasts industrial action Anglo-Soviet relations international conferences british foreign policy soviet satellite states Soviet press Soviet politics dissent Polish-Soviet relations receptions scientific relations nuclear test bans B.B.C. radio jamming Soviet-Swedish relations Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.) Confidence Building Measures (C.B.M.s) Three Baskets of Security Martial law in Poland (1981–1983) Belgrade follow-up meeting to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.) (1977– Madrid follow-up meeting to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.) (1980–19 Polish Solidarity movement
Collection ID
Department Reference
File Reference
FCO 28/5236
Published in
United Kingdom

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