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Soviet Union: Dissidents in the Soviet Union

1 Jan 1982

A file containing documents relating to dissent in the Soviet Union. Subjects covered in the file include analysis of the dissident journal Chronicle of Current Events, which had been disrupted by the Soviet Committee for State Security (K.G.B.); the emergence of a new dissident group, the Initiative Group for People's Democracy; a lecture given in London by an expert on Soviet dissent, Kronid Lyubarskii; and a wave of arrests of dissidents in several cities. Other subjects discussed in the file include a meeting between an exiled dissident, Aleksandr Ginzburg, and the Foreign Office minister Malcolm Rifkind; the demise of the Moscow Helsinki monitoring group; and the emergence of a new breed of "politicised" dissidents. Documents in the file include a summary and chronology of dissident activity between May and August 1982; and biographical notes on forty prisoners of conscience, including Andrei Sakharov and Anatolii Shcharanskii.
human rights united kingdom censorship dissidents emigration eurocommunism prisoners prostitution psychiatry publications soviet union domestic politics speeches academics arrests radio broadcasts pentecostal churches Soviet press dissent letters from members of the public Soviet Committee for State Security (K.G.B.) B.B.C. intelligentsia Dissent, Resistance, and Human Rights prisoner release Soviet government Andrei Sakharov Aleksandr Ginzburg Nicholas Bethell Anatolii Shcharanskii Peter Blaker Malcolm Rifkind
Collection ID
The rights holder for content from USSR News Brief could not be identified. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this item to contact us. The rights holder for content from USSR News Brief could not be identified. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this item to contact us.
United Kingdom
Department Reference
ENS 15/1
Document Type
Correspondence Meeting Minutes Memoranda Print Publications Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/5093
NATO documents in this file were removed in accordance with international agreements. Documents or parts of documents in this file were retained under Section 3(4) of the Public Records Act 1958.
Persons Discussed
Aleksandr Ginzburg Anatolii Shcharanskii Andrei Sakharov Malcolm Rifkind Nicholas Bethell Peter Blaker
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
Dissent, Resistance, and Human Rights Domestic Politics

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