A file containing documents relating to leading personalities in the Soviet Union. Subjects covered in the file include the death of the second secretary of the communist party, Mikhail Suslov; the twenty-fifth anniversary of Andrei Gromyko's appointment as foreign minister; evidence for the rise to political prominence of Konstantin Chernenko; and the dismissal of the chairman of the Central Council of Trade Unions, Alexei Shibayev. Other subjects discussed in the file include the death of a deputy foreign minister, Igor' Zemskov; a poor impression made by the deputy foreign trade minister and son of the president, Yurii Brezhnev; biographical notes on the Soviet ambassador to Mongolia, Aleksandr Smirnov; the appointment of a new chairman of the Soviet Committee for State Security (K.G.B.), Vitalii Fedorchuk, and his rapid replacement by Viktor Cherbikov; and the death of the secretary of the praesidium of the Supreme Soviet, Mikhail Georgadze.