
Czechoslovakia: Visit by Mecislav Jablonsky, Czechoslovak Deputy Foreign Minister, to the UK, July 1982

1 Jan 1982

This is a folder published by The National Archives in January 1982 about Agriculture, Arms Race, Chemical Weapons, Consumer Goods, Developing Countries, Disarmament, Dissidents, Foreign Trade, Freedom of Movement, and Gold.
human rights agriculture trade refugees freedom of movement united nations arms control arms race chemical weapons consumer goods cultural relations third world disarmament dissidents east-west relations economic growth gold industry loans nuclear energy nuclear weapons pipelines price controls religious persecution official visits trials visas self-determination living standards international organisations missiles war memorials arab-israeli conflict consulates helsinki final act american foreign policy british council morale economic policies party membership soviet foreign policy strategic arms limitation talks (salt) Anglo-East German relations Czechoslovak foreign policy international conferences Communist Party of Czechoslovakia anglo-czechoslovak relations british foreign policy diplomatic officials American-Soviet relations American-Czechoslovak relations receptions Czechoslovak politics Czechoslovak-Polish relations Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (M.B.F.R.) war commemorations Prague Spring (1968) Austrian-Czechoslovak relations Soviet troops abroad Roman Catholic Church Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.) Confidence Building Measures (C.B.M.s) Martial law in Poland (1981–1983) Charter 77 Anglo-Argentinian relations Madrid follow-up meeting to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.) (1980–19 Soviet-Afghan War (1979–1989) Israeli-Lebanese relations Falklands War (1982)

Mentioned Organizations

Collection ID
Department Reference
ENC 26/2
File Reference
FCO 28/4823
Published in
United Kingdom

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