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Eastern European and Soviet Department: Soviet Attitude towards Peace Movements

1 Jan 1982

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the attitude of the Soviet Union towards peace movements. The documents cover the activities of an unofficial Soviet peace movement, the "Group for Establishing Trust between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A."; the activities of the European peace group European Nuclear Disarmament; and the progress of peace marches that travelled through the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. Other documents in the file cover Soviet interests in the South Pacific, including diplomatic representation and the activities of communist-front organisations; and an Australian movement, which has received a letter from the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev.
australia communism czechoslovakia disarmament international relations norway nuclear weapons peace movements sweden soviet union military the guardian soviet foreign policy Leonid Brezhnev
Collection ID
Content from Russkaya Mysl' © Moscow Mysl and UK Government.; Content from The Guardian © Guardian News & Media.; Content from Vienna Home Service © UK Government. Content from Russkaya Mysl' © Moscow Mysl and UK Government. Content from The Guardian © Guardian News & Media. Content from Vienna Home Service © UK Government.
Australia Czechoslovakia Norway Sweden
Department Reference
EN 62/4
Document Type
Correspondence Press and Media Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/4756
The following item has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: TASS, 29.07.1982, Statement of Participants in Peace March-22.
Persons Discussed
Leonid Brezhnev
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
International Relations Military

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