
Eastern European and Soviet Department: Soviet Attitude to the Falkland Islands Crisis

1 Jan 1982

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the Soviet attitude towards the Falklands Islands crisis. The documents cover statements delivered by Soviet politicians, articles in the Soviet press, and discussions with Soviet officials, detailing Soviet claims that Argentina has a right to liberate the islands, and calling for a peaceful solution. Other documents in the file consider how the Soviet Union is using the dispute to try to discredit the U.S.; how the Soviet Union is seeking to destabilise the Western alliance; and the Soviets' denial that they are passing intelligence to Argentinian forces. The file also covers international attitudes towards the Falklands crisis; discussions on the diplomatic consequences of further hostilities; commercial relations between the Soviet Union and Argentina; and reports that the Soviet forces are using Angola airport for long-range air reconnaissance.
india trade argentina cuba united kingdom france brazil angola united states of america imperialism international relations spain soviet union military speeches intelligence sharing the times intelligence gathering soviet foreign policy Anglo-Soviet relations british foreign policy Leonid Brezhnev Soviet press Pravda Argentinian-Soviet relations James Callaghan Irish Republic economic infiltration Alexander Haig Falklands War (1982) Falklands Conflict

Mentioned Organizations

Collection ID
Content from Agence France-Presse © Agence France-Press.; Content from London Press Service was created by The Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and has been reproduced in accordance with copyright law exceptions applying to government material.; Content from Reuters © Reuters. Content from Agence France-Presse © Agence France-Press. Content from London Press Service was created by The Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and has been reproduced in accordance with copyright law exceptions applying to government material. Content from Reuters © Reuters.
Angola Argentina Brazil Cuba France India Irish Republic Spain United Kingdom United States of America
Department Reference
EN 21/28 PART D
Document Type
Correspondence Press and Media Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/4741
Key Events
Falklands Conflict
The following items have been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: The Times, 28.04.1982, Rethink on nuclear sub fuel plant The Times, 28.04.1982, Russians deny arms deliveries BBC Monitoring Summary of World Broadcasts, 01.05.1982, SU/7016/A1/1 BBC Monitoring Summary of World Broadcasts, 01.05.1982, SU/7017 BBC Monitoring Summary of World Broadcasts, 23.04.1982, SU/W1182/A/1.
Persons Discussed
Alexander Haig James Callaghan Leonid Brezhnev
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
International Relations Military

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