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Soviet Union: Economy of the Soviet Union

1 Jan 1981

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the Soviet economy. The documents cover a meeting of the Supreme Soviet on economic affairs concerning the five-year plan for 1981–1985; the economic plan for 1982; and discussions on the fulfilment of the economic plan for 1980. Other documents in the file include details of the speeches of the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev, and the minister of defence, Dmitrii Ustinov, on the Soviet economy, covering food supplies, the production of consumer goods, the development of the fuel and energy sectors, the need to improve economic efficiency, and demographic issues affecting the labour market. The file also covers a lecture on the Soviet economy delivered at the U.S. embassy in Moscow; a despatch examining the Soviet Union's current economic difficulties, focussing on the shortcomings of the agricultural and energy sectors; and a report on the economic situation and availability of essential food supplies in the Soviet city of Voronezh.
agriculture trade coal natural gas agricultural equipment construction consumer goods economic growth economic planning industrial equipment manpower motor vehicles national budgets transportation productivity railways raw materials soviet union oil fuel economics and trade speeches demographics living standards food supplies food shortages economic policies military expenditure Leonid Brezhnev Industry and Agriculture five-year plans Dmitrii Ustinov
Collection ID
Department Reference
Document Type
Correspondence Reports Speeches and Public Statements
File Reference
FCO 28/4606
Documents or parts of documents in this file were retained under Section 27(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Persons Discussed
Dmitrii Ustinov Leonid Brezhnev
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
Economics and Trade Industry and Agriculture

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