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Romania: Trade Relations between Romania and the UK

1 Jan 1981

A file of correspondence and reports concerning commercial relations between Romania and the United Kingdom. The documents cover reports that British businesses, including the National Coal Board, are facing late payments from the Romanian government, have been asked to reschedule payments, and have had orders cancelled; countertrade arrangements between Romania and British Aerospace, with Qatar a proposed market for Romanian goods; and meetings between Romanian politicians and officials from British Aerospace and Rolls-Royce. Other documents in the file include briefs examining the history of Anglo-Romanian trade and the opportunities for British businesses under Romania's new five-year plan; the decision of British Airways to cancel its Bucharest routes; and the passing of a new Romanian law aimed at improving the economic and financial mechanism of foreign trade. The file also includes details of Anglo-Romanian trade statistics, with a list of imports and exports.
trade united kingdom qatar civil aviation business debt repayments economic planning exports imports international relations law shipping romania statistics textiles manufactured goods economics and trade international debt economic policies anglo-romanian relations british foreign policy five-year plans commercial airlines Vasile Gliga
Collection ID
Qatar United Kingdom
Department Reference
ENR 121/1
Document Type
Correspondence Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/4572
Persons Discussed
Vasile Gliga
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Economics and Trade International Relations

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