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Romania: Romanian Communist Party Matters

1 Jan 1981

A file of correspondence concerning the activities of the Romanian communist party. The documents cover the dismissal of the former deputy prime minister, Virgil Trofin; changes within the Romanian government ministries of energy and engineering; and an assessment of attempts to remove pro-Soviet elements of the government from positions of responsibility. Other documents in the file cover the dismissal of Leonte R?utu, a member of the Political Executive Committee, following an application by his daughter to emigrate to the United States; the development of political ideology within the Romanian leadership; and events to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the Romanian communist party. The file also covers a plenary session of the Romanian Communist Party's Central Committee, which discussed a report on an exchange of party cards, and considered reports on party members, party organisation, and cadre policy.
emigration politicians romania soviet union political ideology domestic politics purges party membership government ministries Romanian Communist Party Romanian-Soviet relations Romanian politics Romanian government party conferences Virgil Trofin Leonte Răutu
Collection ID
Content from Lupta de Clasa © UK Government. Content from Lupta de Clasa © UK Government.
Soviet Union
Department Reference
ENR 11/1
Document Type
File Reference
FCO 28/4553
Persons Discussed
Leonte Răutu Virgil Trofin
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Domestic Politics

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