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Eastern European and Soviet Department: European Political Co-Operation: Administrative Arrangements for Working Groups during the UK Presidency of the European Community, July-December 1981

1 Jan 1981

A file containing documents concerning administrative arrangements for working groups during the British presidency of the European Community in the second half of 1981. Documents in the file include lists of European political-cooperation officials and working groups; the timetable and seating plan for a meeting of the East European working group in July 1981; arrangements for meetings at a British government conference centre at Lancaster House in London; and guidelines for liaising with "third countries" outside the European Community. Also included in the file are a report on Soviet subversion, intelligence activities, and economic and military aid in Africa; a translation of an interview with the French foreign minister, Claude Cheysson, in a French newspaper; and a letter giving the view that the East European working group "has never been a particularly dynamic or policy-orientated body", and should be made more effective.
united kingdom france belgium luxembourg greece denmark third world east-west relations international relations interviews ireland italy military aid netherlands european integration economic aid international organisations west germany subversion european economic community (eec) british government soviet foreign policy international conferences eastern europe region british foreign policy economic infiltration Claude Cheysson
Collection ID
Belgium Denmark France Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands United Kingdom West Germany
Department Reference
Document Type
Correspondence Miscellany Reports Visual Media
File Reference
FCO 28/4336
The following item has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Le Monde, 28.05.1981, An Interview with M. Claude Cheysson, Minister for External Relations.
Persons Discussed
Claude Cheysson
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Eastern Europe Region
International Relations

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