Premium 20.500.12592/jn0mr4

Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe (CSCE): Implementation of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe

1 Jan 1980

human rights trade tourism mediterranean sea united nations north atlantic treaty organization (nato) publicity alliances business censorship cultural relations debt repayments disarmament dissidents educational exchanges emigration family exchange rates freedom of information industry jews journalists languages law literature marriage olympic games passports political prisoners publishing religious persecution statistics trade unions travel restrictions trials visas working conditions sport church-state relations film international organisations warsaw pact arrests helsinki final act economic policies american politics détente soviet foreign policy strategic arms limitation talks (salt) radio broadcasts military exercises Anglo-East German relations Anglo-Soviet relations Anglo-Bulgarian relations Anglo-Hungarian relations international conferences anglo-czechoslovak relations anglo-polish relations anglo-romanian relations british foreign policy American-Soviet relations parliamentary questions Soviet politics American-Romanian relations American-Polish relations American-Bulgarian relations American-Czechoslovak relations American-Hungarian relations scientific relations Bulgarian politics Czechoslovak politics Hungarian politics Polish politics Romanian politics Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (M.B.F.R.) B.B.C. military exchanges East German foreign policy amnesties Danish-Soviet relations Economic Commission for Europe (E.C.E.) Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.) East German politics American-East German relations Confidence Building Measures (C.B.M.s) Three Baskets of Security Charter 77 East German-French relations Madrid follow-up meeting to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.) (1980–19 Soviet-Afghan War (1979–1989) Polish crisis (1980–1981)
Collection ID
Department Reference
ENZ 441/1 PART B
File Reference
FCO 28/4306
Published in
United Kingdom

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