A file of documents concerning Poland's economic situation, and international financial assistance to Poland. Subjects discussed in the file include the level of Poland's international debt; Poland's trade imbalance; Polish inability to make debt repayments; Polish investment and agricultural policies; Polish economic reform; Polish requests for financial assistance from Western states; Western financial assistance to Poland; the organisation of meetings of Poland's main Western creditors to discuss economic assistance to Poland; and American concerns about these multilateral meetings. Other subjects discussed in the file include European Economic Community (E.E.C.) quotas on steel imports from Eastern European countries; economic aid to Poland from the Soviet Union and the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance; Western contingency plans for a possible Soviet intervention in Poland; and an E.E.C. proposal for food aid to Poland. Documents in the file include a despatch from the British ambassador to Poland, Kenneth Pridham, on the Polish economy and its potential for recovery.