Premium 20.500.12592/gfvc5b

Bulgaria: Internal Situation in Bulgaria

1 Jan 1980

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the internal situation in Bulgaria. The documents cover plenums of the Bulgarian communist party's Central Committee and meetings of the Bulgarian National Assembly held to discuss the fulfilment of the five-year plan and to introduce new legislation designed to improve living standards and citizens' rights; and attempts by the regime to improve the life of its citizens by increasing the availability of consumer goods and the quality of bread, and allowing more expressions of personal opinion. Other documents in the file cover the results of the national economic plan for the first nine months of 1980; a speech delivered by the Bulgarian leader, Todor Zhivkov, concerning the economy and foreign affairs; and the death of the former Stalinist leader of Bulgaria, Valko Chervenkov. The file also includes the valedictory despatch of the outgoing British ambassador to Bulgaria, John Cloake; and a report on a tour undertaken by the British ambassador to northern Bulgaria.
agriculture environment trade united kingdom tourism bulgaria censorship communications construction consumer goods economic planning industry transportation productivity public opinion domestic politics speeches living standards deaths food supplies economic policies Anglo-Bulgarian relations Todor Zhivkov Bulgarian politics Bulgarian government five-year plans party plenums John Cloake Valko Chervenkov
Collection ID
United Kingdom
Department Reference
ENG 14/2
Document Type
Correspondence Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/4093
The following item has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Rabotnichesko Delo.
Persons Discussed
John Cloake Todor Zhivkov Valko Chervenkov
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Domestic Politics

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