
Czechoslovakia: Czechoslovakia: Annual Review and Calendar of Events for 1979

1 Jan 1980

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the annual review of Czechoslovakia for 1979. The review covers an exchange of party cards; the continued harassment, arrest, and prosecution of Czechoslovak dissidents; and the tenth year of the Czechoslovak leader, Gustáv Husák, as the First Secretary of the Czechoslovak communist party. Further commentary covers the damage caused to the Czechoslovak economy by extreme weather conditions; the need to import grain using hard currency reserves; and Czechoslovakia's economic dependence on the Soviet Union for raw materials, oil, and gas. The review also covers developments in Czechoslovak foreign relations; official visits to Japan and Third-World countries; a Czechoslovak-led initiative on disarmament presented to the United Nations; and Anglo-Czechoslovak relations, which saw improvements in the cultural and commercial fields. A calendar of notable events in Czechoslovakia during the year is also included in the file.
trade united kingdom natural gas japan united nations cultural relations currency czechoslovakia third world disarmament dissidents economic planning imports international relations politicians raw materials trials soviet union weather oil domestic politics economics and trade food supplies arrests economic policies Czechoslovak foreign policy Communist Party of Czechoslovakia anglo-czechoslovak relations soviet satellite states Czechoslovak-Soviet relations Czechoslovak politics Czechoslovak government Gustáv Husák Czechoslovak-Japanese relations Charter 77

Mentioned Organizations

Collection ID
Japan Soviet Union United Kingdom
Department Reference
ENC 14/1
Document Type
Correspondence Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/4075
Persons Discussed
Gustáv Husák
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Domestic Politics Economics and Trade International Relations

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