Premium 20.500.12592/93vg16

Poland: Poland: Bi-Monthly Review

1 Jan 1979

A file of correspondence and reports concerning events in Poland and the meetings of European Economic Community representatives. The documents cover preparations for the forthcoming Polish communist party congress; incoming and outgoing ministerial visits; discussions on the position of the Polish leader, Edward Gierek; and changes within the Polish government. Further commentary covers economic developments in Poland; Polish foreign trade and debt; price rises; and the performance of the Polish agricultural sector. The file also covers Polish press reaction to the visit of Pope John Paul II to Ireland and the United States; church-state relations in Poland; the activities of Polish dissidents; and the formation of a new political party, the Confederation on Independent Poles. Further information is provided on the celebration of anniversaries linked to the Second World War in Poland; and discussions with Polish officials on the conference on European security.
agriculture trade poland united states of america dissidents international relations ireland transportation political parties price controls official visits church-state relations second world war domestic politics economics and trade religious leaders international debt public events economic policies retail prices international conferences Polish United Workers' Party polish foreign policy Polish press Polish politics national holidays party congresses Roman Catholic Church ecclesiastical visits Polish government Edward Gierek John Paul II Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.)
Collection ID
Ireland United States of America
Department Reference
ENP 14/4
Document Type
Correspondence Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/3785
Persons Discussed
Edward Gierek John Paul II
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Domestic Politics Economics and Trade International Relations

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