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Hungary: Internal Situation in Hungary

1 Jan 1979

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the internal situation in Hungary. The documents cover preparations for the twelfth congress of the Hungarian communist party; a speech by the Hungarian leader, János Kádár, delivered at Csepel; and rumours of government and party changes. Other documents in the file include a despatch on life in Hungary, examining the cost of living, working life, public opinion, cultural life, and how ordinary Hungarians live; and a valedictory despatch from the outgoing British ambassador to Hungary, Richard Parsons, covering Hungarian nationalism, the totalitarian political system, and opportunities for the West. The file also covers moves to tackle alcoholism in Hungary; a number of critical articles in the Hungarian press; moves to address the shortage of housing in Hungary through private enterprise; a spate of fires at Budapest hotels; and the publication of May Day slogans for the 1979 event.
trade united kingdom education nationalism housing corruption hungary censorship cultural relations culture public opinion slogans wages working conditions alcohol domestic politics speeches living standards private enterprise public events retail prices Anglo-Hungarian relations Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party Hungarian press János Kádár Hungarian foreign policy Hungarian politics party congresses Populations and Social Policy Hungarian government Richard Parsons
Collection ID
United Kingdom
Department Reference
ENH 14/2
Document Type
Correspondence Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/3763
Persons Discussed
János Kádár Richard Parsons
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Domestic Politics Populations and Social Policy

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