Premium 20.500.12592/csbx83

Soviet Union: Policy on Persecution of Jews in Soviet Union

1 Jan 1978

A file of correspondence and reports concerning British policy towards the persecution of Jews in the Soviet Union. The documents include a Council of Europe report on the situation of the Jewish community in the Soviet Union, covering emigration, trials of dissidents, and Jewish religious and cultural life; details of anti-Semitic propaganda in the Soviet media; and details of British press reports on the Soviet persecution of Jews. Other documents in the file cover the interactions of British politicians with Jewish campaign groups; a request that the son of a prominent Soviet dissident meet with the Foreign Secretary, David Owen; and news that a Jewish scientist has been given permission to emigrate to Israel. The documents also cover British participation in a world conference to combat racism and racial discrimination; and briefs prepared for the conference, examining the treatment of minorities in the Soviet Union.
human rights united kingdom anti-semitism dissidents emigration jews propaganda race relations religious persecution scientists travel restrictions trials soviet union zionism council of europe speeches the times ethnic minorities religious minorities protests international conferences british foreign policy Soviet press dissent The Daily Telegraph The Sunday Times British press Dissent, Resistance, and Human Rights Populations and Social Policy Border Security and Migration David Owen
Collection ID
Content from Komsomolskaya Pravda © CPRF.; Content from New Statesman © New Statesman.; Content from Reuters © Reuters.; Content from The Daily Telegraph © Telegraph Media Group. Content from Komsomolskaya Pravda © CPRF. Content from New Statesman © New Statesman. Content from Reuters © Reuters. Content from The Daily Telegraph © Telegraph Media Group.
United Kingdom
Department Reference
ENS 245/1
Document Type
Correspondence Press and Media Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/3531
The following items have been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: The Sunday Times, 12.11.1978, New scene in Russia: Yiddish theatre's poster The Sunday Times, 12.11.1978, Touch of Drama for Soviet Jews The Times Literary Supplement, 10.11.1978, The roots of reaction David Owen, 01.02.1978, Human Rights: Striking a Balance at Belgrade.
Persons Discussed
David Owen
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
Border Security and Migration Dissent, Resistance, and Human Rights Populations and Social Policy

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