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Poland: Visit of Professor Jerzy Bafia, Minister of Justice of Poland, to UK, July 1978

1 Jan 1978

A file of documents concerning a visit to the U.K. by the Polish Minister of Justice, Jerzy Bafia. Subjects discussed in the file include Polish proposals that an expert working group be established to evaluate the pre-war conventions governing Anglo-Polish legal relations; the possibility of increased meetings between Polish and British lawyers; and the provision of information on U.K. law to Poland. Other subjects discussed in the file include extradition legislation; legal aid for Poles in Britain; the question of reciprocal recognition of divorces; and Polish concerns about the statute of limitations for the prosecution of Nazis in West Germany. Documents in the file include a record of a conversation between the U.K. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Goronwy Roberts, and Bafia; and a copy of a Polish address on the "non-applicability of the statute of limitations of the prosecution of Nazi war crimes and the crime of genocide".
trade united kingdom poland international law extradition international relations law marriage official visits treaties trials visas war crimes war criminals second world war legal reform west germany polish foreign policy anglo-polish relations british foreign policy Polish politics Polish-West German relations British politics Goronwy Roberts Second World War Aftermath Populations and Social Policy Jerzy Bafia former Nazis
Collection ID
United Kingdom West Germany
Department Reference
ENP 26/5
Document Type
Correspondence Reports Speeches and Public Statements
File Reference
FCO 28/3386
Persons Discussed
Goronwy Roberts Jerzy Bafia
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
International Relations Populations and Social Policy Second World War Aftermath

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