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Soviet Union: Incidents Concerning British and Soviet Shipping

1 Jan 1977

A file of correspondence and reports concerning shipping incidents involving British and Soviet vessels. The documents cover the harassment of British vessels by Soviet ships, including research vessels, fishing trawlers, Royal Navy ships, and oil rigs; and discussions on the limits of legislation that can be used to restrain Soviet shipping in British territorial waters and international waters. Other subjects covered in the file include a meeting of a European Economic Community working group on maritime safety; and a Soviet complaint against a British ship in the Baltic, which is accused of discharging oil. The file also includes a European Commission document on the shipping policies of member states of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance; discussions on measures to counter Eastern-bloc competition for shipping; and briefs prepared for a luncheon held by the president of the General Council of British Shipping, covering the threat posed by Soviet ships.
united kingdom maritime law pollution fishing international relations maritime safety shipping science territorial waters soviet union warships oil economics and trade international organisations royal navy european economic community (eec) Anglo-Soviet relations Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon)
Collection ID
United Kingdom
Department Reference
ENS 177/548/4
Document Type
Correspondence Press and Media Reports Visual Media
File Reference
FCO 28/3145
The following item has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: The Times, 26.07.1977, Soviet obstruction of sea survey.
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
Economics and Trade International Relations

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