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Poland: Agriculture in Poland


A file containing documents concerning agriculture in Poland. The file includes a Radio Free Europe report entitled "Some problems of the socioeconomic reconstruction of the Polish countryside"; comments on a Polish press article criticising Polish state farms and advocating individual farming; a report on Polish livestock and meat supplies; a report prepared by the Italian delegation to NATO about structural changes to the Polish communist party; and a report prepared by the U.S. delegation to NATO about the reactions of Eastern European countries to the 1970 riots in Poland. Other documents in the file include a letter from the British embassy in Warsaw commenting on predictions for changes in Polish agricultural policy; a note stating that the politburo of the Polish communist party has ended its policy of compulsory deliveries by farmers; and comments on a Polish television programme in which Polish agricultural policy was discussed.
agriculture trade united kingdom television poland agricultural equipment exports imports land reform livestock riots roads state farms domestic politics food supplies economic policies collective farms Polish United Workers' Party Polish press Polish politics Radio Free Europe Industry and Agriculture collectivisation Polish government Edward Gierek Polish protests (1970)
Collection ID
Content from Radio Free Europe Research © RFE/RL, Inc.; Content from The Daily Telegraph © Telegraph Media Group Ltd.; Every effort was made to contact the rights holder for Wie? wspó?czesna. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this items to contact us. Content from Radio Free Europe Research © RFE/RL, Inc. Content from The Daily Telegraph © Telegraph Media Group Ltd. Every effort was made to contact the rights holder for Wie? wspó?czesna. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this items to contact us.
United Kingdom
Department Reference
ENP 7/3
Document Type
Correspondence Press and Media Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/1469
The following items have been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Trybuna Ludu, 09 November 1971, New Principles of Land Turnover, Division of Farms and Family Pay-offs; Trybuna Ludu, 15 July 1971, TV 'Civic Tribune'. CC Secretary Barcickowski and Experts Reply to Questions; Trybuna Ludu, 18 April 1971, Concern for the Development of Rural Areas and Improvement of Supplies to the Population; Trybuna Ludu, 18 April 1971, Meeting in the Central Committee; Trybuna Ludu, 22 October 1971, A new chance for agricultural circles.
Persons Discussed
Edward Gierek
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Domestic Politics Industry and Agriculture

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