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Yugoslavia: Preparatory Meeting for Conference of Non-Aligned Countries in Dar Es Salaam


A file containing documents concerning international conferences of non-aligned countries. The file includes a discussion on Yugoslav participation in a conference of the heads of state of non-aligned countries, to be held in Tanzania; a series of notes stating that leaders from Peru, the United Arab Republic, Lesotho, Malaysia, and Cambodia will attend the non-aligned conference; a discussion of the Indian government's objection to the participation of Pakistan in the conference; and a note from the British embassy in Cairo reporting on the treatment of the Palestinian delegation by other participants at the conference. Other documents in the file include a report from the British embassy in Dar es Salaam on the outcomes of the non-aligned conference in Tanzania; a letter from the British high commission in Colombo reporting on a meeting of Asian non-aligned countries in Sri Lanka; and a report on the Yugoslav president's recent tour of African countries.
pakistan cambodia malaysia india peru lesotho tanzania third world international relations maps ceylon united arab republic yugoslavia palestine political ideology speeches non-aligned movement arab-israeli conflict international conventions international conferences Josip Broz Tito Egyptian-Yugoslav relations Indian-Pakistani relations Indian-Yugoslav relations Basotho-Yugoslav relations
Collection ID
Content from African Review © U.K. Foreign Office.; Content from Lusaka Conference was created by the government of the People's Republic of Congo and has been reproduced in accordance with copyright law exceptions applying to government material.; Content from Lusaka Conference was created by the government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and has been reproduced in accordance with copyright law exceptions applying to government material.; Content from US Bureau of Intelligence and Research was created by the U.S. Government and has been reproduced in accordance with copyright law exceptions applying to government material. Content from African Review © U.K. Foreign Office. Content from Lusaka Conference was created by the government of the People's Republic of Congo and has been reproduced in accordance with copyright law exceptions applying to government material. Content from Lusaka Conference was created by the government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and has been reproduced in accordance with copyright law exceptions applying to government material. Content from US Bureau of Intelligence and Research was created by the U.S. Government and has been reproduced in accordance with copyright law exceptions applying to government material.
Cambodia Ceylon India Lesotho Malaysia Pakistan Palestine Peru Tanzania United Arab Republic
Department Reference
ENU 2/2
Document Type
Correspondence Press and Media Reports Speeches and Public Statements
File Reference
FCO 28/1178
The following items have been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: BBC Monitoring, 09 September 1970, Speeches by Delegates; BBC Monitoring, 11 September 1970, Conference Declaration on Non-Alignment and Economic Progress; BBC Monitoring, 12 September 1970, Broadcast on Return to Yugoslavia; BBC Monitoring, 12 September 1970, EE/3482/C2/1 (A1-5); BBC Monitoring, 12 September 1970, Speech By Forbes Burnham of Guyana; BBC Monitoring, 12 September 1970, Speech by Hailie Selassie; BBC Monitoring, 12 September 1970, Speech by Iraqi Delegate; BBC Monitoring, 12 September 1970, Speech by Mrs. Ghandi; BBC Monitoring, 12 September 1970, Speech by Numayro of Sudan; BBC Monitoring, 12 September 1970, Speech by President Tito; BBC Monitoring, 12 September 1970, Speech by Syrian Delegate; BBC Monitoring, 12 September 1970, The Resolution in Cyrpus; BBC Monitoring, 15 April 1970, Preparatory Meeting of Non-Aligned Countries; BBC Monitoring, 17 April 1970, Document on Economic Development; BBC Monitoring, 17 April 1970, Preparatory Meeting of Non-Aligned Countries: Final communique; BBC Monitoring, Date unknown, ME/3482; BBC Monitoring, Date unknown, Preparatory Meeting of Non-Aligned Countries; The Economist, 25 April 1970, The Non-Aligned: Living Up to their Name; The Hindustan Times, 09 February 1970, Ask Why, not Who or Where; The Sunday Times, 12 April 1970, Power bid by smaller nations.
Persons Discussed
Josip Broz Tito
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
International Relations

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